Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kabayo, Kutsero, Rayadillo


escape said...

a lot of people enjoy that ride.

Hilda said...

Rayadillo. That's a new word to me! Were they police or military?

Joe Narvaez said...

Hi the donG and Hilda! The term Rayadillo or Raya for short refers to the blue stripes of the soldier's uniform. Aguinaldo's soldiers originally wore this military dress. The UP ROTC has a special unit called Rayadillo Honor Guards Battalion and they consider this uniform to be sacred. Thus, most UP ROTC guys find the use of this uniform for security guards in Intramuros to be ridiculous and a little bit disrespectful to the Raya's history and tradition.

Dennis Villegas said...

I'm glad to see that part of this lost culture still exists in Intramuros. Nice captures Joe!